Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Coyote Spirit's Gift

I am grateful for my imagination.
In a time long before now, the creator spirits gathered together to admire the latest creations, First Man and First woman. "This is good," they said. "But they need to have a way to learn and to solve problems, and to enjoy life." Coyote spirit smiled. He walked over First Man and First Woman and blew a very special gift into their hearts and minds. The other creator spirits looked at Coyote with suspicion. "What did you give them?" they asked in unison. Coyote said nothing. He just smiled. Great Owl spirit hopped over to Coyote and said, "Coyote, my brother, Tell us that you did not give them the ultimate gift. We don't think that are ready for it." Coyote ran and jumped between the bodies of First Man and First Woman. "They will learn how to use it wisely. If they use it from the heart first." Dragon spoke next. "Brother Coyote, I understand that you want to have them be like us. But if they can't keep their minds from overshadowing their hearts, they will destroy themselves. I will become invisible and become their guardian, always reminding them to use their hearts when using the gift that you gave them.
Coyote smiled and said, "Thank you, Dragon. This gift will allow them to communicate with us. It will help them create beauty. How could I deprive them of that? Yes, there are risks. That will make the gift all that more valuable."
The Creator Spirits gathered around First Man and First Woman and blew life into them. They said to them, "Be blessed, for Coyote has given you the most powerful of all gifts, IMAGINATION. Be grateful for this gift and use it wisely. Because, like a knife, if used carelessly, it will cause great harm. When used with love, it brings beauty. Walk in the beauty way and be grateful."

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