Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sugar Booger is Going for a Ride!

Denise let Tigerboy out of the stroller so he could get some exercise. Sugar, then, got to go for a ride.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yeonmu a suburb of Nonsan, South Korea

Grandma Denise walking Tigerboy and his dog, Sugar back home on the 2nd floor. (Click on any photo to enlarge it.)

Bonnie and Jiho's living room is a tiny 9'-8" by 9'-10" And this is the biggest room in their apartment.

Traditional Neighborhood in Yeonmu, South Korea, just south of Deajeon.

Mushroom walking Tigerboy on the street next to Jiho and Bonnie's apartment.

A feast of ginseng with the Yoon family in a restaurant in Geumsan.

Denise with Jiho holding Tigerboy in a ginseng market. There was ginseng everywhere in the town of Geumsan. It is world famous for it ginseng. Jiho has been making me a fresh ginseng smoothie every evening.
Quan Yin statue at a sacred spring (water) site.

A Little neighborhood street. Notice the 2 story school at the far end of the photo. Jiho and Bonnie live right next door to the school.
High School boys on their way to school in Yeonmu, South Korea

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Isis & Tigerboy

Isis November 2007
Tigerboy February 2006
Isis & Tigerboy in the same pose.

Isis Ina Yoon is Born!!!

Isis Ina Yoon was born in the year of the Golden Boar, 4 November 2007 in Deajeon, South Korea. She was born at 3:30 in the wee hours of Sunday morning while her abuelito (grandfather) was being the celebrant at Leilani and Phil's wedding.

Phil and Leilani's Wedding

Mushroon leading the bride and her party to the wedding.

Leilani and Phil were married on Saturday the third evening of November 2007 in Ybor City, Florida. Leilani asked her uncle Mushroom to be the celebrant.

Roberta, Leilani's aunt, took these photos.