Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Letter 2010

It’s already December???  Yikes, where’d 2010 go?!!!
Holiday news from Mushroom, Denise, 
Celeste and Grandma Eda Bea
Denise at Seaport Village-Long Beach

We’ve been in Long Beach for nearly 2 years, and no longer have legs as white as snow.  In fact, Mushroom has more freckles on his hands than Denise! 

Celeste (photo below) still works at JC Penney fitting kids for shoes in the Kid’s Shoe Dept.  She worked 1:30 p.m.-1:00a.m. on Black Friday, and then returned to work at 9 a.m. on Saturday!  Retail…what a job!   She has a side job as a pool cleaner too!
Celeste wearing and Elmo T-shirt while posing with Pluto at Disneyland
Great Grandma Eda Bea has been a hospice patient here at the house since last July.  Breathing has been a significant challenge, so the quality of her life is in a gradual decline.  We are all very grateful for each day she’s still with us.   She thanks you for your cards, gifts, goodies and visits!

Mushroom has been writing a book about his naval war time experiences in Vietnam.  He inserts fiction in order to tell a more complete story.  Members of his weekly writer’s group commend him highly for his creative writing style and his ability to express his feelings about a truly dark time in his life.  

Denise has continued to manage 4 houses, with not one, but two hands tied behind her back!   In addition to being Great Grandma’s primary caregiver, she took on Banker’s Life long term care insurance, and successfully fought to secure additional care benefits for her mom.  Denise relaxes by teaching her grandkids (grandson Edan below) how to cook, and by going to San Diego with Mushroom once in awhile.
Our greatest gifts this year have been:
 Denise said, “This is one of the best Thanksgivings – ever!  Dinner was a tad late, but everyone had a wonderful time, and the food was delish.  
Celeste, Holly, Cass, Dana, Bonnie and Jiho have stayed with Great Grandma Eda Bea while we’ve been able to attend social events and to get some respite!
Ten of us, Montoyas and Yoons, went to Disneyland in Sept. and had a terrific time!   We were accused by the little grandkids of taking them on some “scary rides.”  We were a real team!  We also got into Knott’s Berry Farm for a substantial discount, due to the reduced fees on Veterans Day!

We wish you Happy Holidays and a love-filled New Year with lots of opportunities to be silly.

Denise & Mushroom & Celeste & Eda Bea & Sugar & Ginger
Denise put our annual Christmas letter together.  I posted it here.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Celeste Gets Her First Business Cards

Celeste finally got her first business cards after working at JC Pennys for a couple of years. Yesterday, she gave me one. I put in on the kitchen counter to show Denise.
A short while later, Denise said to our grandson, "Edan, what do you have in your mouth? Spit it out."
Now you know why Celeste's business card is warped.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

'Tis the month of December, and all through the land:

'Tis the month of December, 
and all through the land,
Mamas and Papas, 
with store flyers in hand,
Turn page after page 
hunting for that prize
Of a Xmas present 
that'll brighten their children's eyes.

Poo poo, I say, 
the "real" point is missing,
What a child needs most 
is you to go playing.
This Xmas give your loved one 


Time to play, 
Time to talk, 
Time to share laughing
and reading and going for a walk,
Time to share 
what you both can give:
Time to Love.