Sunday, December 14, 2008

14 December is the first snowy day this winter.

Ginger is thinking with her eyes closed, "Sugar is so embarrassing when he makes his eyes match the Xmas tree lights." Click on the photo for a better view.
Sunday Morning Snow
View Looking South from in front of our house
The Front of our house covered in cold white powder
Backyard winter whiteness

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Photo Shoot with grandkids.

Sitting for a photo shoot can be very challenging when we are dealing with tiny and very young humans.


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Mushroom Retires from 30 Years of Goverment Service

Retirement Kilt
When I Left, I left with Delight!

Colorful Farewell to the Auburn Crew
Farewell to the wild WSC Crew
Auburn Crew Listening to Vista
Retirement Cake- Who is that Fun Gi?

Orlando Turns 31 on 2 November

1977 Doesn't Seem Like So Very Long Ago
He Is Soooo Good Looking At 31
Getting a Decent Birthday Beating 31 Times
Ouch ! ! !
Mom and Grandma Celebrate Orlando's 31st Birthday
Edan, Tara and Dallin Celebrate Orlando's 31st Birthday
Roger Celebrate's Orlando's 31st Birthday

Beautiful Isis as Piglet

Beautiful Isis Playing the Role Of Piglet
Abuelito Is In the Pink with Isis
Sara, Tyler & Jay came Trick or Treating by.
The Cousins Invade Ikea

Tigerboy Pooh and Isis Piglet

Bonnie Holding Tigerboy Pooh and Isis Piglet
Tigerboy Pooh and Isis Piglet Hunt For Halloween Treasure
Tigerboy Pooh and Isis Piglet Find Delicious Treasure

Elephants and Mushrooms

Abuelito Plays Under The Mushroom With Tigerboy and Tigger Dallin
Tara Tried To Convince Us That The Elephant Was Her Newest Baby
Abuelito Plays Under The Mushroom With Tigerboy

The Joker

The Joker Scared Tigger Dallin as Tigerboy Looked On
Tigerboy and the Joker became fast friends

The Celestial Being Was Being Devilish

The Celestial Being Was Being Devilish, Enjoying Herself as she Frightened Little Children and Their Mothers

Canine Halloween Lament

Our Humans Always Find Ways To Embarrass us.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It has been 16 years since Jeremy died

Mushroom sharing an ice cream cone with Jeremy on the Long Beach City College campus before Mushroom went to Viet NamJeremy & Orlando at the University of New Mexico at Halloween time
This is one of my favorite photos of Jeremy and Orlando together
Jeremy and Orlando together as we were building the greenhouse in our Albuquerque home.

October, changes its green sequined dress for a multishade coat of oranges, ocres, browns and yellows. But she hides her salted swords and just when I am caught in her beauty she slices a deep cut into my heart and I cry, deep, deep inside for a long, long time.

It was a charmingly sunny October morning when we received the call that Jeremy was in intensive care and the hospital needed our permission to provide medical care. Jeremy had been hit while riding his motorcycle, which he loved to do. Our son died 23 October 1992.

But that very week later, four families were saying prayers of thankgsgiving for Jeremy's life saving organs. I miss our son, very, very , very much, especially when October dresses in gold and rubies.