Monday, February 24, 2020


What exactly is it?
Who creates it?

Do I?

From what?
When I
Become aware
Of a thought,
Is it my creation?
Can it be
Someone else's
That I am thinking?

Do I retrieve thoughts
From some

Thought storehouse
That belongs to only me?

Or do I create each
And every thought

At the moment
I became aware
Of it?
If my awareness
Senses it,
Is it always mine?
Can it be an orphan

Do thoughts float,
Or flash
Across space and time
Intruding on my mind
Or body?

Thoughts are things
That take up time
And space.
They touch,
And control
My mind
And my body.

How can a thought
That has no physical structure
Have that much power?
I've had thoughts
That couldn't
Be of my making.
Whose are they?
Why am I aware
Of thoughts that
Are not mine?
What is it?
Am I a thought
In someone's mind?

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