Saturday, February 24, 2018

Why Do Our Children Lie?

The question:
Why do our children feel the need to lie?

The Answers:
Fear of losing face.
Fear of punishment.

Fear for their own safety.
Fear that they won't get what they want.
Lying is also an act of independence.
Lying draws a line of privacy.
Lying is perceived as a protection.
Lying is sometimes used to"protect" the parent from disappointment.
Lying is rarely personal. It's not about the parents.They don't lie to hurt you. They lie because telling the truth will have undesirable consequences.

Now there is another question to be considered:
How do we instill enough trust in our "reaction" so that our children don't feel they need the protection of a lie?


Life is complicated. Children are evolving into adulthood. They observe the world through friends, TV, and watching adults.
They can't and shouldn't isolate themselves from the world. They will have to learn how to navigate through deception.
And sometimes they need to be who they are NOT in order to learn who they ARE.

Parenting is not for wimps. 

Be the example you want them to follow.

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