Friday, October 01, 2010

Olya's Night Visitors

About nine months before we found out that little six year old Olya, (Celeste) was available for adoption, I went on a shamanic journey to see what what our new daughter looked like.  Listen to the story that I wrote for Celeste about the process.  This is a true story.  Bear in mind, that as a story teller, I don't let the facts get in the way of the truth ;-).


Roberta said...

That's wonderful, but you left out the part about the mushroom on her shirt when you first saw her :)

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful story that I enjoyed. I am not sure the significance of the head phones around your neck? A coyote? I thought your spirit guide was a dog? I guess one in the same... I have coyotes come to my home almost every night & feast on the fresh chicken in the egg ranch behind my home... Now I will think of Celeste when I hear them...