Thursday, May 20, 2010

Camping at Doheney Beach

We went camping at Doheney Beach at Dana Point with Dana, Sun Hong, Max, Bonnie, Jiho, Tigerboy, Isis, Celeste and me.  Denise stayed home to take care of her mom, Eda Bea.  The next day, Celeste went to work and I went home to take care of Eda Bea.  Denise took her turn and got to go camping too.

Celeste built the fire.  She loves building fires.
That allows us to keep warm

Isis relaxed in Imo Celeste's lap
Camping doesn't seem real without roasting marshmallows. 
The Following morning Dana talked Celeste and Mushroom into going into the water
Uncle Dana tries to talk his niece, Celeste into going in first.

Then uncle Dana calls for Mushroom to come in.

So Mushroom comes down to the beach in his "Peace" Speedos.

OK, Now who is going to go in first?

Let's all go together!

Good Grief ! ! ! Brrrrr the water is freezing!

Who's dumb idea was this, Dana?
After we warmed up, we played baseball with a stick and a ball that Dana made with napkins wrapped in duct tape. 

It was cloudy and wet, pretending to be Seattle, then Dolphins came to play on the second day.   Watch the video: 


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