Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why Seattle Men Wear Kilts

Why men wear kilts in Seattle

Men wear kilts because Seattlites need sunlight. Now, I realize that may sound peculiar. But it is true. Just take a good look at the situation. Seattle gets so little sunlight that the weather predictors speak in terms, not of sunny days or cloudy days, rather, they speak in terms of sun breaks. Sun breaks are those rare holes in the perpetual Seattle cloud cover that remind Seattlites that they need to buy more sunglasses, (having forgotten where they put their last pair.)

Because the cloud cover is so thick, men's legs loose all of their natural color and turn white. This is a terrible predicament because white is not a manly color for men's legs. In response, the manly masculine men of Seattle have taken it upon themselves to expose their white colorless legs and thus reflect what little sunlight might happen to penetrate through the thick winter cloud layer in hopes of further brightening the otherwise depressing sunless days. Seattlites can be so altruistic.

This does have one drawback, however. It appears that wearing kilts adds to global warming.

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