Monday, September 03, 2007

South Africa

Click on a photo to enlarge it.Denise at the Cape of Good Hope

Who would have thought that we would find Penguins in Africa. These are Jack Ass Penguins because of the sound they make when calling each other.Baboon family eating bubble gum at the Cape of Good Hope.
Crocodile at Lake St Lucia
Thorn bushes were everywhere. Notice the rhino in the background.
Cheetah eating chicken at a Cheetah rescue preserve.

Giraffes, but then you knew that.
Zebra on the Heritage Lodge grounds. Notice Denise by the grey bricks.
Nyala drinking from a pond that has crocodiles and hippos
Water Buffalo in the bush. These are very dangerous. Look at the horns.

Elephant Telling Us to Back Off.
Hippos relaxing in Lake St. Lucia, the largest Salt Water Lake in South Africa
Denise and others hiking through the bush looking for African rhinos.

Rhino warning us to stay back, while we were on our walk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great adventure there and seen all sorts of animals and being so close to them. Also, congradulations on your togetherness with your significant other.
Being with someone as close as you two seem, is an adventure in itself.


Theresa Carrick