Your attitude, the emotion that you are feeling while you are crocheting affects what you crochet. In fact, your attitude affects whatever you create, whether is it a scarf, a meal, or anything.
There is no superstition when it comes to infusing love into a piece of art intended for those we love. At the subatomic level, we are beings of energy.
Read The Secret Life of Plants. You will see that our emotions, our attitudes, affect the plants around us.
Rent the movie or read the book, The Secret. It shows you how much power our thoughts and feelings have.
Anything that we create with intentional love will hold the energy of that love within it. Those who touch it will feel it.
Try this experiment; Make something easy, like a scarf, for one of your grandchildren. Wash the yarn before your start. When you place the yarn in the water, ask the water to remove all negative energy from the yarn. This also works with smoke from sage, cedar, and other plants. If you use smoke, ask the spirit of the plant to remove all negative influences from the yarn.
As you start to crochet, state your intention, aloud, that you will fill each stitch with love and affection for all who touch it. As you crochet imagine love, security, warmth being intertwined with each stitch. Imagine, in your mind's eye, your grandchild feeling so good, so safe, so loved, wearing your scarf. Try to "feel" those things within yourself as you crochet.
When you finish, take it over to your grandchild's house, unwrapped. Give it to your grandchild. Watch their reaction once they hold it. Don't be surprised if their pet dog or cat wants to sit on it.