Thursday, December 14, 2017

You are so beautiful

V Kali asked us to choose one of three songs and use the title of that song as the first line of the poem we were asked to write. I chose You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker. I wrote the following poem for Denise.Image may contain: 1 person, on stage and indoor

You are so beautiful.
Your beauty captured me.
Tied my hands around your waist.
Bound my heart with so much haste
That I could only see your beautiful face.
And that is all I wanted to see
In front of me,
From now until always.
And then you teased,
And laughed, and sang your song
Before my ship sailed away,
And I was gone.
I longed for you
And me to be together.
I was bold
To Dream
That we’d grow old
All because
You are so beautiful to me.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

43 Years

I'm soooo lucky.
Denise and I have been happily
married for 43.
It doesn't seem that long to me.
And yes, it really has been 43
Amazing years together.
The secret is quite simple
And obvious as a dimple
On a happy, smiley face.
We play.
And play
And play.
Yes, there is work to be done.
That we won't deny.
We get confused.
Our feelings get bruised.
We are very human.
She is part of me.
Whatever I do to her
I do to me
Because she
Is a part of the self
That makes us we.
We are not the same.
We differ in points of view.
We complete the me and you
Into a workable we.
I love that she said yes to me.
43 years ago.
43 now. Maybe 43 to go.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Grief Plays CDs

December 18 is our oldest son's birthday.

Jeremy died in 1992

at the young age of 22.

His absence sits with my grief,

in their car, playing CDs

Of my now foggy memories.

The bastards leave their car window open

So that my heart can hear.

They keep it turned loud enough

To reach my ears,

And low enough

To hear me cry.

That is why
They wait to slither

Out of their car

And wrap their arms around me.

They do not come to comfort me.

They can't.

They come to drink my tears,

And whisper, "Jeremy is dead."

Their words bang and bang inside my head.

Making more tears flow,

More tears that they can drink

More tears that make me think

And make me wish that I would

Bring him back if I could.

And then I hear his voice
Deep inside me
Sewing my heart's rips and tears
One stitch at a time.
"I did what I needed to do, Dad.
You loved me and I needed that.
You made me laugh
You made me cry
You taught me so much

With your example.
I watched and copied you

Especially those things that I knew
Would help me be
What I wanted to be,

You encouraged me

To be my best
You showed me how to share

From the heart.
And I gave my heart,
I gave liver and kidneys too
Not even my death
With my lifeless body

Could stop me from saving a life or two

Or three or four

And maybe more..
I'm sorry that my death make your heart hurt.

And from your eyes sad tears squirt.
Don’t forget 
That I never neglect
To visit you 
Whenever you 
Cry for me.
I love you, Dad.
Here is a cyber hug for you from me:
❤((((((Dad)))))) ❤