Thursday, April 02, 2009

April Fool’s is a wonderful, albeit weird, holiday

April Fool’s is a wonderful, albeit weird, holiday

It affords us the opportunity to express a delightful aspect of our authentic selves. We take life far too seriously. We think we can control those things that affect our life. Ha, Ha, Ha. Now that is a joke for any day. April Fool’s Day is not so much about setting up pranks, as much as it is, letting go of everyday worries that burden us with the need to be serious. Listen to any elementary school playground. What you will hear is gleeful squealing and laughter. Why? Because we are really just a bunch of squealing, laughing kids in bigger bodies. We have succumbed to the illusion that we are adults that need to be serious most of the time.

I spent time with my daughter this morning at Costco, We ate breakfast there. We ate a combo pizza, while wearing gleeful grins. Later that evening, we met up with my son and grandson at a different Costco. I joined my grandson was we climbed into a wicker box that was a “coffee table” of sorts. We played hide and seek. Now that is what I call living life to the fullest. We play life and play with it.

So get off of your buttocks, and go moon someone.